ASHP Archives - Infinite Renewable Energy Systems

Local Installers for Air Source Heat Pumps!

Air Source Heat Pump

Want to achieve huge savings on energy costs this Winter? Why not install an Air Source Heat Pump and upgrade your radiators? Government Grant Funding and Interest-Free Finance plans are now available that cover all upfront costs! Call 07852 395 256 to speak to our ASHP Manager, Kieran Mulvanny! #ASHP #Heating

NCS NICEIC Approved Contractor for ASHP

NICEIC MCS Accreditation

Infinite Renewables are now accredited as an Approved Contractor for Air Source Heat Pumps with MCS NICEIC! You can apply for a Grant of £7500 to put towards installation costs, with an additional £7500 available as an optional interest-free loan. Contact us for further details. #NICEIC #MCS #ApprovedContractor #ASHP

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